What if the SIZE of your body has nothing to do with your HAPPINESS?
<------ Invitation Here ------>
Don't Diet, Be Happy! is a 6 week exploration of what it truly takes to have a relationship with your body that changes your life!
No more diets
No more pills
No more restrictions
Instead, you could have joy, freedom, and peace of mind. When you have peace of mind, you have total possibilities.
Can you have true happiness with your body no matter what size it is?
The answer is yes.
But the solution is something different than you've ever chosen before.
Welcome to the difference that has always been available to you, but you never knew you could choose.
Don't Diet Be Happy is your invitation to create your body and life in a whole new way.
Join and receive Being In Allowance 28 day Energy Pull Series as a BONUS
Want a sneak peak as to what you could experience?
Check out the free masterclass NOW!
For country pricing payment plans email dazzle@katherinemcintosh.com
Choosing the 30 days, 1 hour a day, I’m completely unrecognizable, I’m so grateful. Four years ago I don’t know if I could have handled it, today I am ready for this and I am loving every “freaking” call. I LOVE IT! Moving the three and a half day to a 30 day allows for so much more to come up to facilitate and integrate. I think it is just BRILLIANT! - Heather
The beauty, magic, and potency of the Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement is its capacity to clear the hidden stuff that you aren’t even aware of that is keeping you stuck!
Watch Dr. Dain Heer explain the words and how you can use it to change what you would like to create differently in your life.
GO TO The Clearing StatementThe No Judgement Diet programs and classes are based on the tools of Access Consciousness®, created by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, used with permission. Learn more about Access Consciousness© below.
What Is Access Consciousness?
Access Consciousness empowers people to help themselves. It is available to everyone, can be included in your everyday life, and can be applied without outside help.
The tools and techniques of Access Consciousness focus on your knowledge about yourself and the world around you. It is essential in Access that nobody except you personally can know what truly works for you.