Welcome to the book that Jack Canfield called a "game changer" and "should be required reading for everyone".
I had the honor and pleasure of Jack Canfield reading my book and when he uttered the words “game changer, major disrupter, this should be required reading for everyone", I almost lost it. I knew, based on my own life journey, how instrumental this book could be to changing people's lives, but to hear the words uttered from someone I have respected as an author for years, was a dream come true.
This is a book to awaken you to your absolute BEST self!
If you would like access to a life changing book, click below to get the first look at a chapter in the book before it gets released…
This is a book to awaken you to your absolute BEST self!
The truth is, this book isn’t about diets, this book is about being HAPPY in your body because when you’re happy in your body, you can literally be and do absolutely anything…

This is the best gift you can give you and any of your loved ones who suffer with their body image and self esteem and they seem to never stop obsessing over their weight.
Only 4% of Women Worldwide

Katherine McIntosh
Katherine McIntosh is a World Class Energy Intuitive, Global Consultant, Psychic, International Speaker, Entrepreneur and newly published author of the book Jack Canfield calls "Game Changer, Pattern Interrupt, Major Disrupter, Should be required reading for everyone."
Katherine has worked with some of the most fascinating people in the world. From some of the world's most successful to Incredible Entrepreneurs including Real Estate Agents, Investors, Architects, Restaurant Owners, Professional Athletes, Beauty Industry Experts, Spa Owners, Artists, World Class Healers, Hollywood Actors, Top Billboard Musicians, New York Times Best Selling Authors, Speakers, Coaches, and More!
Her clients say that it's hard to explain what happens when you work with Katherine you just have to experience it.
There is no explaining what happens...
Katherine strives to get to the root and is only successful with those who are truly ready to embrace the change they've been looking for by letting go of the problem they didn't even know they had.
Most people come to the table with the symptom thinking it's the problem, but you can't treat the symptom, you have to treat what's underneath in order to get to the root, then true genius can happen.
There really is no explaining it.
Katherine's passion lies in empowering every person to live their best life, let go of the old familiar patterns of the old identity, and embrace the possibilities when you let go of needing to hang onto the old story of the past.
She wrote Don't Diet. Be Happy because she knows firsthand what it's like to obsess about a problem that isn't actually the problem. Losing almost 2 decades of her life to an unsolvable obsession, she finally understood that once she started to live her passion, her "problems" completely disappeared.
Don't Diet. Be Happy. explores the other side of diets. It is a radical, refreshing, practical approach to transforming your perspective of your body so you can easily transform your life.
The only diet you ever truly need to go on is The No Judgment Diet™, which takes a more intuitive approach to change and transformation. It empowers the reader to know that their body intuitively knows how to change. From practical advice to the author's own personal trials and tribulations, this book will take you on an emotional journey that will inspire you to know that you know and that you've always known something else is possible.
Once you understand how you can change your body by trusting you gut, then you can apply these practical tools to transform any and every area of your life.